TWI Company stands for learning to improve so that work is error-free

“Well-trained employees are the key to success, we believe.” – René van Amersfoort, TWI Company

TWI Company provides a solid training program with a focus on people. Using the proven TWI training method, we ensure continuity, quality, and standardization.

Our own team members are trained to become certified TWI trainers and TWI writers. TWI Company supports the TWI trainers in implementing the TWI methodology within the organization.

Of course, our TWI coaches will only step back once you are ready to work independently. The TWI coaches are always on standby to provide assistance. Success together — that is what we stand for.

Curious about who we are?

Our team

Emiel Nooter

Senior TWI Coach

Emiel Nooter

Senior TWI Coach

Babette Huizinga

Senior TWI Coach

Babette Huizinga

Senior TWI Coach

Seth Versteeg

TWI Coach

Seth Versteeg

TWI Coach

Mirthe Swart

TWI Coach

Mirthe Swart

TWI Coach


TWI Coach


TWI Coach

Nienke van der Beek

TWI Coach

Nienke van der Beek

TWI Coach

Jort Holtrop

Sales & Marketing

Jort Holtrop

Sales & Marketing

Jurre de Vries

TWI Coach

Jurre de Vries

TWI Coach

Robbin Hofstede

Sales & Marketing

Robbin Hofstede

Sales & Marketing

Rene van Amersfoort

Senior TWI specialist

Rene van Amersfoort

Senior TWI specialist

Jolanthe Gerrits

TWI Coach

Jolanthe Gerrits

TWI Coach

Jorijn Aanraad

TWI Coach

Jorijn Aanraad

TWI Coach

George Hofstede

TWI Trainer

George Hofstede

TWI Trainer

Ton Gerrits

Senior TWI Coach

Ton Gerrits

Senior TWI Coach

Mirjam Hakvoort

Financial administration

Mirjam Hakvoort

Financial administration