Training Within Industry

Getting employees to work without errors.
Is this impossible? Not at all!

Whether it is about training (temporary) employees,
Whether it is about implementing new processes, taking new equipment into use, securing improvements, scaling up shifts or reducing incidents:

it all starts with training employees on the floor.

Did you know that over 90% of disruptions are caused by human actions?

A selection of our customers

foutloos werken met twi

Working without errors with Training Within Industry


A good end product, that’s what Training Within Industry is all about. Every day again.

Together with you, we establish a uniform working method in which you optimally utilize the qualities of your employees.

After the implementation of Training Within Industry, everyone performs the actions in the same way and you know what you can count on at the end of the process.

Every process has input and output. What happens in between makes the quality.


Process improvement

You can only discover the optimal working method if you are present on the work floor. That is why TWI Company puts on the safety shoes itself and goes on the floor with your people.

Together we determine the next steps in the process and we record them.

With Training Within Industry you immediately gain insight into the improvement. That is the basis for the training.

We train your people to become TWI Trainers so that they can independently train exisiting and new employees quickly and efficiently so “train the trainer”. Directly on the workfloor.


error flow

Our TWI training courses

TWI Company is a real practical specialist. All TWI training courses are aimed at enabling the participant to immediately apply what has been learned in practice. And that in your own organization.


Writer & Trainer

2 days training + 0,5 day guidance + proces confirmation


TWI Writer & Trainer​
What you learn:
  • What is TWI and how do I succesfully apply it in my own workplace
  • What is a training standard and how do i write it
  • How do I train someone according to the TWI method?
  • Communication skills.

Proces confirmation

1 day training + proces confirmation
(follow-up training TWI Writer & Trainer)
training within industry process confirmation
What you learn:
  • Short look back at the training TWI Writer & Trainer
  • The role of proces confirmation within the PDCA cycle
  • Ehat requirements must an audit meet
  • Objectively observing
  • Design and organization of the proces confirmation


1 day training + 0,5 day guidance + proces confirmation

training within industry
What you learn:
  • What is TWI and how do you apply it successfully in your own workspace
  • What is a training standaard and what does it look like
  • How do I train someone according to the TWI method
  • Communication skills

What our customers say about The TWI Company

"Onboarding employees very efficiently with smart systems and innovations. This allows us to handle our growth and remain a pleasant employer"
cerelia logo
"Employees were not given enough attention and different induction methods were used everywhere. Attempts with videos and other visual techniques to change this did not yiel the desired result"
M&G Group logo
M&G Group
"Because we train our employees on the floor to perform the work flawlessly, we can perform every day at the level we want"
Logo van Johma oet Twente

Want to start immediately with the TWI methodology?

Download our e-book

“Step by step error-free working” and discover how you can implement error-free working in your organization.

Discover how to implement error-free working

The TWI step-by-step plan explained in 14 pages

Now you know where to start

Stap Voor Stap Foutloos Werken

Everything about Training Within Industry (TWI)

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